The Library of Steel is under attack by a band of Fire-orcs from the depths of Moria. They are attempting to summon enough fire-spirits to break the wards protecting the library and turn it into an inferno. You must protect the library and defeat the Orcs if you wish to make use of the ancient forge within to complete your quality.
Objective 1.
You must defeat the Fire-orc summoners in ord
er to prevent them from summoning enough spirits to destroy the library. If too many spirits are gathered within the library, it will be consumed in an inferno and lost. Once the summoners have been dealth with, you must then face the leader of the Orcs…. (read less)
Step 1.
Defeat Fire-orc summoners
Step 2.
Defeat Oshadhúr
Objective 2.
Use the ancient forge to emopwer your infused