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Vol. II, Book 4, Chapter 3: Scavenging for Weapons

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Wafi (NPC)

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Quest Description:

Wafi wants you to search through debris piles throughout Moria for usable weapons that can be salvaged for use by the craftsmen in the Heart of Fire.

Objective 1
Wafi gave you a list of places to search for debris piles that might contain usable weapons that can be used by the craftsmen at the Heart of Fire.

Wafi needs raw materials with which to craft equipment for the defence of the Heart of Fire and has asked you to search debris piles throughout Moria for usable weapons.
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Objective 2
Wafi is in the Heart of Fire, off the Way of Smiths among the Silvertine Lodes.

You have collected many suitable weapons that can be melted down for use in the forges of the Heart of Fire.
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